Accessories & other sound instruments

All are available to view and purchase on our accessories site.

You can return to Crystal Singing Bowls UK after placing your order.

Please let us know if you want to add accessories or other instruments to an Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl order so you do not have to pay additional delivery charges.


Suede, Silicon and Glass, Sonic Wands, Zen and Supergrade Mallets

Prices from: £15

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Crystal Tones® Bespoke Carry Cases for the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Nylon, Single Height (Holds up to three bowls), Double Stack (Holds up to six bowls or one practitioner bowl) and Hard Flight Cases. Prices from £158 +vat (25 % if purchasing with a bowl from us.

By clicking on this link, you will be redirected to our sister site.


Koshi Chimes, Crystal Pyramids, Crystal Didgeridoos, & Crystal lyres

Prices from: £42

By clicking on this link, you will be redirected to our sister site.